The Frame Running Classification is a functional system(CPISRA). (also known as RaceRunning Classification)
The athletes are assessed in the Frame Runner to determine the practical use of their extremities operating the Frame Runner.
A bench test is also used to determine the type and degree of motor and neurological problems.
RaceRunning (FrameRunning) is a sport open to athletes that can not functionally walk or have severely limited functional walking. Athletes with limited functional walking should not be able to participate competitively in walking track or field athletics.
The RaceRunning (Frame Running) athlete has movement difficulties due to the moderate/severe effect of spasticity, athetosis, dystonia, or ataxia. The movement difficulties result in reduced coordination and problems with isolated movements of the limbs.
The Frame Running Classification System is independent and has no direct relationship with the CP classes.
Click on the link for part 2
The Classification System was created and developed by Heinz Zwerina, and Jim Little.