Disability rights movement

Disability rights movement! You may have seen or heard this phrase "Disability is not limitation" repeatedly in different places like TV programs, banners on streets, text messages, and so on. This phrase is a fact, and physical impairments do not make people disabled. Some people may have some problems or…

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Disability rights movement
Wheelchair Disabled Person Symbol Disability People Support Group 3d Illustration

Visual impairment vs. blindness

What do you think when you hear the words vision impairment, visual impairment, or blindness? Do you know anything about their differences or know that blindness means not seeing things? To have a better understanding, it's necessary to understand their differences. The differences Visual impairment is a condition in which the…

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Visual impairment vs. blindness
visual impairment vs. blindness

A better understanding of people with physical impairments by the disability definition

All of us have heard the word disability. Many of us do not have a clear understanding of disability definition in our minds. Some of us have bad and annoying feelings about this word, and we sympathize with people with impairments. When we hear the word disability, we imagine a…

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A better understanding of people with physical impairments by the disability definition
disability definition for better understanding

Polybat in Portugal

Polybat was created in the 1980s in the United Kingdom and brought to Portugal in 2016. Initially created to answer people with cerebral palsy, today, it plays by everyone! People with or without disabilities from 6 to 96 years old participate in tournaments organized by the Portuguese Federation of Sport…

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Frame Running / RaceRunning Classification, Class RR3 (Part 4)

The Frame Running (also known as RaceRunning) In the Frame Running CPISRA Classification, Athletes with mild to moderate involvement in one or both upper extremities, fair to right trunk balance, and moderate involvement in the lower extremities are in class RR3. Athletes with moderate involvement in the upper extremities and…

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Sport is about emotions and feelings

Sport is not just playing a game to win! It has many different dimensions. Sport has a soul! It’s widespread when athletes say he/she is angry when he loses a game or he/she wants to dance when he/she wins the game. The nature of the sport is about emotions and…

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People with disabilities and Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Corona Virus is a harmful virus which makes no difference from people. It attacks not only older people but also youth or even children. People with disabilities are not unique, and the danger of this virus threat them too. Here is some point to help people with special needs to…


What makes athletes different?

What do you think of being an athlete? How much do you know about athletes' lives differences compared to other people? Do you think that being an athlete is being like a superhero? Well, the fact is that heroes are not supernatural people. They are just ordinary people with motivation…